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Introduction of Regeneration Method of Runxin Fully Automatic Softening Valve

The regeneration mode of Runxin softening valve is as follows:

A. Time type: Set a fixed time interval to start regeneration.

Time type is calculated by day: the interval of regeneration is calculated by day as the unit of time. The shortest time interval is 1 day (with 0 a.m. as the time dividing point).

Time-type by hour: the shortest time interval is 1 hour.

B. Flow type: Users can set the amount of water to be reclaimed once according to the quality of raw water and the exchange capacity of exchanger. There are four working modes: menu A-01 (02, 03, 04) can be set by keyboard.

Flow Delay Type A-01: It is a combination of flow type and time type. When the switch reaches the set flow, the switch does not start regeneration immediately, but it needs to wait until the set time of the day to start regeneration.

Flow instant A-02: Water production is set according to the exchange capacity of the exchanger. When the exchanger reaches the set flow, regeneration is started immediately.

Intelligent Flow Delay Type A-03: Flow Delay Type of periodic water production can be calculated by directly inputting resin volume, hardness of raw water and regeneration coefficient.

Intelligent flow instant A-04: The flow instant type of periodic water production can be calculated by directly inputting resin volume, hardness of raw water and regeneration coefficient.